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Friday, November 5, 2010

More TMI (YAY!)

I never knew that I liked to write about myself until just now. Huh, who knew?
At any rate, I decided that I wanted to give an idea of what it takes to do all this crazy cake stuff and have a life too.
This is what the rest of my week looks like:
Work till 4:30, grocery store, find food for self, cake class from 7-9PM. Somehow find a couple of minutes to work on Horton cake and Star Wars cakes that are due Friday AM. Tomorrow – work, dinner, mommy time, bride to be coming over for cake design convo, finish both cakes. Frida – work till noonish, deliver 2 cakes, leave for Chicago.
Right now it feels completely impossible. But it will get done, come hell or high water. The real issue is that my son is under the weather and as everyone knows, no one is as good as mommy when you’re sick. <sigh>
Why am I this busy? Why am I complaining about it? Well I’m not really complaining, but I do want people to get an idea of what it takes to have a real job, spouse, toddler and a side job as well as all of life’s other issues. As for why I’m this busy, it must be some kind of neurotic kind of thing. I find that when I have time to relax I get nervous or agitated. I can’t relax. I did not learn that skill apparently. Why? Why must I fill my schedule to the point of craziness?
Does anyone know what this is? Does anyone know how to fix it?
I love being busy to a certain point, then it gets to be too much in too short of time and it gets overwhelming. I have a hard time finding that line and sticking with it. For instance, I only had 1 cake due this week till late last night. Now it’s 2 cakes in less than 2 days and that with all the other stuff is too much. So why did I take the order? Why didn’t I say no?
One on hand I feel like I can’t turn orders down at this point in getting the cake business started. I’m trying to get business not turn it down. Do you go back to a baker that couldn’t accommodate you? Nope. But is a single order important enough to make myself bonkers over? I guess it must be since I took it.
Short story about Lisa – Once upon a time ago I was an overachiever. I got straight A’s on everything and nothing less was acceptable. I didn’t have any friends, but I sure was good at every class in school. Then things changed. We moved and I had a chance to be someone else. I took that chance. I decided that I should have friends and not be the teacher’s pet in every class. And I decided that it was ok if I got some B’s and even a C here and there. Well I made a couple of friends and I wasn’t the teacher’s pet, but I was an anxiety ridden mess about all of it. And that’s how it’s been since I was about 12. I try to act laid back and friendly and like I don’t care if I’m the best of the best, but there is still part of my brain that screams out that it has to be the best of the best at anything that I do. I thought by now that 19 years of not being an overt-overachiever would have smothered that part of me, but I guess not.
So here I sit at the age of 31 taking on more than I can realistically handle. The crazies? I got em.

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